For those of you that don’t know, without announcement or fanfare, I quietly started my own version of the 365 project 50 days ago on February 9th. For years I’ve been aggravated, alarmed, and even a little saddened by the “photographers” I run across who claim the “cameras do all the work these days”. Recently, my standard quip, muttered begrudgingly under my breath, has been, “Oh really? I’ll out shoot you with my iPhone!” Figuring it was high time I actually put my money where my mouth is, so to speak, I embarked on a year’s worth of daily iPhone imagery. The experiment thus far has been revelatory. It’s been more rewarding and challenging than I anticipated. Even though it’s really only just begun, I’ve already gained new insight into the way I see (and don’t see…) things. Another natural byproduct has been documenting my daily life and growing children more regularly. I’ve also found myself drawn to self-portraiture in ways that I usually am not. I allow that everything an artist creates is a reflection of themself. But in this I’m quite literally drawn to my own reflection and analyzing how I fit into, or perhaps more accurately, am juxtaposed to, my surroundings.

Here is last night’s:

And these are a few of my favorites so far:

To see the rest of the project, view the album here on Facebook.

On that note, if you’re reading this and we’re not friends, we probably should be. Feel free to add me. You can also find my page here.

Thanks for reading.